As the pursuit of sustainability in business becomes more mainstream, it is intersecting with burgeoning and cutting-edge technologies that are transforming the way we interact with our planet, community and more.
Is technology making it easier for us to live, or fundamentally shifting the way our lives work - ushering us into a new era of innovation and sustainability?
Disruptive technology trends determine the way the future will be shaped. They will accelerate and reform industries at a rapid pace, shape the world while being present on the horizon of business owners and investors alike. This intelligent digital mesh is likely to include interconnected humans, robots, devices, content and services all driven by digital transformation.
At UTG, we are involved with development of disparate green IT applications that include an emphasis on secure immersive communication: entailing Machine Learning (ML) with a view to advance Artificial Intelligence (AI), while continuing to consider advancing technologies of the future.
Exponential technologies are game-changers in that they propel society forward - emergence of a rash of potentially exponential technologies: robotics, artificial intelligence and synthetic biology, just to name a few.
What if we could harness the power of exponential technologies to make them fundamentally sustainable, and design them so that they solve global issues? This approach provides new methods for harnessing emerging technologies, and applying them to real global challenges, including food and water shortages, air quality and global warming - all while building on a foundation of proven innovation tools.
A superior AI, though - appears to be the future of mankind. How far should humans go with AI development is still a subject of controversy: is this really going to be mankind's last invention?
Feeling and experiencing others' plight and day-to-day moments from across the world is an exercise in empathy, and empathy leads to action. When we can see ourselves in another’s shoes, especially those facing difficulties with poverty, economic development and disease, particularly as a result of climate change, this draws empathy; and when we can empathise with others - we want to help.